Vineyard experiences 30% increase in yield, excellent flavor

Practical experiences in applying SCD Probiotics in the treatment of vine in Kavadarci, Macedonia

In Macedonia there are excellent conditions for vine growing, especially in well-known wine regions, Tikves and Povardarje. However, there are other areas which are also all suitable for growing vines. As for the climatic conditions in Macedonia, they are very specific. Recent years are characterized by stress meteorological changes: very hot and dry summers, and cold and long winters. For the grapevine and also for the people, it is a variation of some 60˚C, which requires maximum fitness and ability to adapt. At the same time, it offers the best, strongest and most vehemently in the vine and in man, and makes it extremely impressionable and sensitive.

Given that we have poorer soil, but also essential and from which we can see how the old continent was created from the very beginning of creation on earth, we have an exceptional opportunity for contact with our prehistory as living beings. What is there in the soil is also in grapes. What is in grapes there is in the wine, and if it is in wine we have it in our hearts. That gives the width of the Macedonian soul. There isn’t human in Macedonia who is not homesick for a Macedonian, Macedonian dust, or man who does not love summer rain in the vineyard, the smell and taste vine stuffed and domestic wine. How can all these philosophical theses, but we are dealing with very archaic categories that describe the specifics of the Macedonian soul and Macedonian wine. With its complexity of 600 compounds, the wine brings an entire universe, carries the energy of both capital sources sun and thunder, but it brings sensibility and homeostasis of man who cares for him. Thus, in a glass of wine you can see how the season had sunny days as rain drops fell, whether spring has delivered winter time, but some see a ray of moonlight.

The author of this article owns two vineyards of 1 Ha, located in Tikves region. The most common varieties of grapevines include varieties of black Vranes, and the white Chardonnay and Rkasiteli.

So far, full treatment of the vineyard includes the application of regular agro-technical measures such as treatment of the soil, fertilization, irrigation, treatment for protection against diseases and pests, etc. The processing of soil comprises two plowing, one fall and one in the spring. The plowing is done at a depth of 20-25 cm.

The fertilization aims to improve the physico-chemical and biological properties of soil, and thus to ensure better quality and greater yield. Usually the fertilization is done late in autumn, when used in fertilizers. The irrigation is performed during the vegetation and that twice during the season, the last 30-40 days before harvest vineyard does not irrigate.

Depending on climatic conditions in the current year, treatment spraying in vines is done with adequate chemical products (insecticides and pesticides) to protect the leaf and grape diseases and pests. Most common and most dangerous diseases are Plasmopara viticola and Uncinula necator. Average during the season is made through 3-4 spraying, and in rainy years and to 5 sprays.

Average yields in recent years from an area of 1 Ha amounted to 20,000 kg. Grape quality is very good (very few grapes have the disease), and nobility range from 23 sugar units in white grapes, and 25 varieties in black grapes.

Treatment with SCD Probiotics was made during 2011 and then the two vineyards. Four treatments were conducted in the following periods of vegetation: the first treatment of the soil before spring plowing, the second treatment after leaf growth of the vines, the third treatment following the forming of grape, and flowering treatment in the last stage of ripening of the grape. In the second and third treatment Emma*, Ema5* is used under the guidelines.

Due to the use of the probiotics, reduced use of chemistry is just two splashes.

The results were well above expectations. First, the grape quality was excellent (almost doesn’t have rotten grape), flavor of the grapes were excellent, grapes were properly formed, and in large grains; and as far as yield was 30% greater. Vineyard has long remained in good condition. Unlike previous years, leaf until late in the autumn remained healthy and green, unlike the vineyards around rapidly and got yellow and fell. Simply speaking, the application of SCD probiotics gives excellent results.

Note: Products used are from SCD Ekoprobiotika, licensee of SCD Probiotics.