Probiotics & Cancer

Testimonial Human Health

Testimonial of Sachiko Kawamoto from Torrance, California –
User of SCD Probiotics for 18 years and
SCD Probiotics customer since before 2001
It has been 18 years since I was introduced to SCD Probiotics for the human health. Today I am alive because of SCD Probiotics. Not only for human health but to cure the polluted earth, it is very important to recognize, study, and research probio-technology.

I would like to share my testimonial on how I applied SCD Probiotics for my recovery from terminal stage of cancer. By sharing my testimonial with others, I hope it would improve their conditions of illness. I touched many people, some people prolonged their life, and many people used it with chemotherapy to decrease side effects. Other people’s symptoms were lifted and helped their recovery.

When I was introduced to probiotics it was not highly recognized like today. It was new to me and at same time I was diagnosed with terminal stage colon cancer. I had surgery and the doctors told me that, I will live for only one year because I stopped my chemotherapy in four months. I was introduced to SCD Probiotics when I enrolled for the research trials at UCLA immunologist who was doing research on NK cell activity on cancer cells. After taking probiotics, I got more energy and can eat well gradually. My NK cell activity result rose from 20 to 60. I am able to involve more activities with my family like shopping, cooking, and many more. At same time my mental stage changed, I had hope. I can live a meaningful life with a purpose.

When I found out that probiotic technology application can be used for other area such as farming, environment cleaning, teaching, food production, manufacturing, and much more; I worked with a group of people to make kitchen foods compost, and introduced a school to make little garden with cafeteria compost with probio-technology.

I also worked with organic farmers and introduced probio-technology. They have been using it for the last 7 years.I had an opportunity to have my booth in a World Agricultural Show for the last three years. I had introduced probio-technology in a cancer show.

I also had an opportunity to introduce probio-technology for a lagoon treatment but they could not accept probio-technology. Reason was they said it takes too much money and they showed fear that this might not work. I had a couple of conventional farmers through the World Agricultural Show. They are now using probio-technology with a conventional method which is drip irrigation they spray to the product. My new customers show their interest to probio-technology by growing mushrooms. Also, one hatchery business is testing for pond allergy control.

As also shared with a client, she survived her terminal breast cancer taking chemotherapy and Xtra Immunity®. It has been almost 3 years and I hope she will continue to take the product and wouldn’t have a relapse.

I like to close my testimonial now. To promote probio-technology to the world is my mission. This is a unique probiotics product, only one kind in the world. It is important to cure our home, the earth. We all have to work together, and our mind has to be there to recognize the new probio-technology.

Sachiko Kawamoto