SCD Probiotics Technology – Broiler Chickens

Hopewell Farm

Experiences Using SCD Probiotics Technology Products in Broiler Chickens

I have a farm with broiler chickens in the Natal midlands in South Africa and have been involved in the business for over 10 years. We have 12 henhouses and slaughter 2000 birds per week.

I was introduced to SCD Probiotics Technology six months ago and started introducing SCD Probiotics into the drinking water. Within one month I observed dramatic reductions in my chicken’s mortality rates. Prior to starting the application of SCD Probiotics, the mortality rate was 25% and now has dropped to 3%.

In addition, the incidence of disease reduced equally dramatically, and to the point where I have discontinued the use of most of the antibiotics which I was previously using.

In terms of feed conversion, I have noticed equally dramatic results. My birds achieved optimum slaughter weight between 6 – 7 weeks which now dropped to 5.2 weeks since the introduction of SCD Probiotics.

Over and above all this, the odor problems normally associated with poultry have all disappeared.

There has been a noticeable and major change in the appearance of the birds. The feathers are whiter and softer, and my rural customers commented repeatedly that the birds look healthier. Another frequent comment made is that, the taste of the meat is different to other local suppliers and is of a superior quality.

This is a truly miraculous technology that I have no hesitation in endorsing to the highest degree.

Cilla Arde